Use Case
AI-powered Web3 Universal Search Engine
Adot aspires to cover a broad scale of of Web3-related data, including but not limited to on-chain asset data(e.g. NFTs, Tokens), user decentralized identifiers, and linked data (e.g. user wallet addresses, user social media accounts), project and content data scattered in Web2 pages and decentralized storage. Empowered by AI technologies such as NLP and knowledge graph, Adot leverages the structured data available in Web3 and catches either strong or weak connections across entities to build a smart and universal search engine with unlimited potential.
Open-source Data Services and Tools for Developers
Adot believes in the power and spirit of open source. If you are building any dApp, Adot can provide customized API interfaces and unified data query tools, which not only allow you to query data according to your personalized needs but also easily implement data indexing and parsing functions to sharply reduce development and deployment costs.
Customized Search Services for Various Needs
Through aggregating massive Web3-related content, Adot itself is an unbeatable database. Further powered with the composability feature of Web3, Adot is supposed to support developers across different fields to build respective search engine applications equipped with indexed data that has a high coverage but without redundant, loaded but unrelated information.
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